Condensate Treatment ON SHORE

Condensate Treatment ON SHORE

Condensate treatment is a necessary treatment to be applied to waters that derive from the condensation of steam after exhausting its heating content.

Steam coming from boilers is used in several applications of the processes in Power Plants, in Refineries, in Chemical Industries etc.. PSC S.p.A. Engineering & Contracting (PSC) is specialised in condensate treatment in any type of industry.

The condensate turbine or process usually could be contaminated by: accidental oil leakage from heat exchangers, from hydraulic circuit corrosion and from ammonia or ammine conditioning dosage.

The results of contamination are traces of: salinity, total suspended solids, oil content and ammonia. All these contaminants render the water not suitable to return to steam boilers or to any other chemical process.

Here below it is described one of the flow scheme treatment that PSC can perform:

  • Granular filtration or simple basket filters to remove suspended solids;
  • Deoiling by means of Oleophilic coalescing resin to remove high fraction of free and emulsified oil content from the condensate;
  • Fine and precoat filtration to remove fine suspended solids and low free oil content;
  • Cation resin polishing to remove all cations as copper, iron metals and ammonia;
  • Mixed bed polishing as final treatment to remove any remaining dissolved salts and silica content.

The treated condensate will be used for industrial services.