River Water Treatment

When the location of the plant is far from the sea, a very common source of water is from rivers.
River water contains salinity, hardness, total suspended solids, organic matter, algae content, which are not suitable for the industrial service such as: irrigation, feed steam boilers or others.
PSC S.p.A. Engineering & Contracting (PSC) is able to provide any process solution for the treatment of river water.
Here below is described a possible the following flow scheme treatment:
- Grit and sand separator to remove coarse solids as sand and grit material (this depends on the river water quality and intake design);
- Chemical disinfection to reduce the bacteria content and to chemically oxidize some organics by means of chlorine injection;
- Coagulation and flocculation process required to improve the efficiency in the settling and filtration of the suspend solids and colloidal matter, by chemical injections;
- Lime softening to reduce the total hardness, suspended solids, colloidal and organic matter by chemical precipitation;
- Settling clarifiers or dissolved air flotation to remove suspend solids, turbidity and some organic, algae. Sometimes a chemical softening is also required;
- Granular filters (pressure or gravity type) or UF filtration membranes for total removal of very fine suspended solids, for turbidity reduction, bacteria (the selection depends on the river inlet characteristics);
- Brackish reverse osmosis, a hyper filtration membrane process to get desalinated water and without organic;
- Electro- deionization process based on electrodialysis and mixed bed ix -exchange resins to achieve ultrapure water quality;
The treated water can be used for drinking purposes, for irrigation and other industrial services.
Other tasks
- Condensate Treatment OFF SHORE
- Condensate Treatment ON SHORE
- Ground Water Treatment
- Lake Water Treatment
- Municipal Wastewater Treatment
- Produced Water Treatment
- Refinery Wastewater Treatment
- River Water Treatment
- Seawater Treatment
- Spent Caustic Treatment
- Well Water Treatment
- CO2 Capture
- River
- Grit & Sand Separator
- Coagulatioin & Flocculation
- Lime Softening
- Settling Clarifiers or Dissolved Air Flotation
- Granular Filters or UF Filtration
- BWRO Desalination
- Electrodeionization
- Demi Water, Drinking, Agricultural, Industrial Use